Treeline above Caribou Flats.
I've been doing other stuff lately and not blogging about Laos. Obviously.
Tuesday Dec 9 I leave for a couple days in Bangkok then back to wandering around for a couple months. I'm going to try to blog using computers at internet cafes. I'm bringing no computer. We'll see how it goes.

No season on these guys in this GMU. I think they are a pain in the neck, big, and can be troublesome. They don't always move out of the way, they can even try to stomp you. A thousand pounds of useless meat.

Nice bear track

Big fresh bear pie. I was in the thick brush of a willow thicket, just the place to meat up with Mr. Bear.

Mount Meeker with Longs peeking out from behind. Probably in April, lots of spring snow, winter wheat is high.